пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

how much negativity! fear, dear dodjoman. and so will start from the beginning. Who told you that I do not work? I have a permanent job, and network marketing to me is a way of earning extra money. this I mean that parents are also plowed in the child, and the child does not want anything to do. on. If you are satisfied with your GP, your future pension 11000r, the flag in your hands. live as they lived, and have nothing to complain that you still want to cheat. I am personally such a prospect is not very happy. Finally about the sponsors. Who told you that the sponsor does not invest their money to promote their own people? Who told you that the sponsor does not do anything but sitting and waiting for it to work? you had a sponsor? and then say I have a sponsor here. What should I do? etc. not generalize. is at least as culturally - to water all the mud. I can not answer for myself that people with money and helping their people to move towards the goal. invite a person - it is very simple. the most difficult to teach him to do the same. teach him to become a sponsor for its guests. teach him to assist and promote their own people, not stupid to invite. this is the job. or for you to work - bring it, bring, move, do not bother? Sponsor - this is essentially the same teacher at a school for students. if people are wondering if the people want, why they do not? and the question to you - that's like you're some sort of company, helps you with your Director of Finance? does your work for you if you get ill? or yelling at you is why you do not manage?

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